We provide an all-inclusive service to the entire corporate world. Our services includes:-

Performance Management

Distinctive has a holistic perspective to Performance Management. We acknowledge the importance of each Performance facet from the recruitment process right through to the exit interview.

Psychometric Assessment. Distinctive Consultancy stands as a recognized psychometric testing centre. We provide a wide array of evaluation tools both for individuals as well as companies. Our partners, HFMtalentindex as well as Thomas International help us provide high standard psychometric tests for the benefit of our clientele.

Recruitment and Placement. Distinctive Consultancy provides recruitment and placement services which assist both prospective employers as well as prospective employees in best-fit placements at all organisational levels.

Strategic & Business Planning. We provide Strategic and Business Planning services to both start-up businesses and going concerns.

Specialised Research (for both Customers & the Market). Distinctive Consultancy acknowledges the relevance of information gathering in the business world and has built expertise on that front to allow the corporate world to utilise the skills in gathering that information for informed decision making.

Business Process Improvement Solutions. Distinctive Consultancy believes processes should not be static. Continual improvement brings flavour to the business, resulting in bottom line enhancement. We provide a wide array of process improvement tools commensurate with the ever changing operating environment.

Process & Systems Management. Distinctive Consultancy values the standardization of processes to allow for business continuity, systems upgrade and improvements.Organizational Risk Assessment. Distinctive Consultancy acknowledges the risks associated with businesses and their negative impact to the business stability and growth. We provide an array of tools for assessing the associated risks in all Key Business Processes within an organisation and collaborate with the client in providing measure to mitigate them.